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How To Ensure A Proper Fit

How do I measure my wrist for bracelet sizing?

If you have a seamstress tape measure, wrap it around your wrist snugly, note the length against a standard ruler and then add 1/2 of an inch to that measurement. If you don't have a seamstress tape measure, you can take a piece of yarn or string, wrap that around your wrist snugly, note where the ends meet and add 1/2 of an inch to that measurement.


How do I determine a necklace length?

Standard lengths are:

17-18" Will reach the collarbone
20" A few inches below collarbone
22" At or above neckline
24" A little below the neckline
30" Below the chest

For larger necks, use the next length up.


How do I measure my neck for choker sizing?

If you have a seamstress tape measure, wrap it around your neck to a comfortable fit. If you don't have a seamstress tape measure, take a piece of yarn or string and wrap that around your neck to a comfortable fit marking the point where the end touches itself. Lay the string straight next to a ruler and note the length. 16" is a standard choker size. 17-18" for larger necks.


How do I measure my finger for ring sizing?

If you don't have a set of ring sizers, the best way to measure is to go to a jewelry store and have them measure your finger.


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